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Slash Your Spending: Practical Steps to Save During Inflation

As the cost of living continues to soar in Nigeria, building a robust financial defence has become a necessity. The foundation of this strategy lies in effective budgeting. Treat your savings like a non-negotiable bill and allocate a fixed amount each month, even if it's a small percentage of your income. Consistency is key when it comes to saving. Utilize budgeting apps to track your spending and identify areas where you can cut back.

Budgeting is Key

  1. Prioritize saving: Set a specific savings goal and treat it like any other monthly bill. Automate your savings by setting up a direct transfer from your salary account to a dedicated savings account. This approach ensures that your savings are prioritized before you have a chance to spend the money.

    But where to put your hard-earned savings? To maximize your returns and reach your goals faster, visit nairaCompare!  nairaCompare helps you compare interest rates, fees, and features of different savings accounts from Nigeria's top banks. Find an account that aligns with your savings goals. Don't settle for average returns, find the best for you!

    compare savings
  2. Track your spending: Identifying areas where you can cut back is crucial. Use budgeting apps to categorize your expenses and gain insights into your spending patterns. This will help you pinpoint unnecessary expenditures and make informed decisions about where to trim costs.

Debt Reduction is Crucial

  1. Focus on paying off high-interest debt first: High-interest debt can quickly spiral out of control during inflation, eroding your purchasing power. Prioritize paying off debts with the highest interest rates first, using strategies like the debt snowball or debt avalanche method.

  2. Consider debt consolidation: If you're juggling multiple debts, consider debt consolidation with lenders like FairMoney or Page Financial. This approach can simplify your payments and potentially secure a lower interest rate, making it easier to manage your debt repayment.

 Strategize for Everyday Spending in Nigeria

With prices soaring across various sectors, it's essential to strategize your everyday spending to maximize your savings. Here are some practical tips to help you conquer grocery expenses and trim discretionary spending.

Conquer Groceries

  1. Plan meals to avoid impulse purchases: Meal planning can help you avoid impulsive buying and reduce food waste. Create a weekly menu and make a grocery list based on your planned meals. Stick to the list when shopping to avoid unnecessary purchases.

  2. Embrace store brands and generic alternatives: Store brands and generic alternatives can offer substantial savings without sacrificing quality. Major supermarkets like Shoprite and Spar offer their own affordable store brands.

  3. Utilize coupons and loyalty programs: Take advantage of coupons, loyalty programs, and cash-back apps to maximize your savings at the grocery store.

  4. Explore discount grocery stores: Discount grocery stores like can offer significant savings on everyday items, especially when buying in bulk.

Trim Discretionary Spending

  1. Re-evaluate subscriptions and memberships: Take a close look at your subscriptions and memberships and cancel or pause those that you no longer use or can temporarily do without. This could include gym memberships, streaming services, or magazine subscriptions.

  2. Seek free or low-cost entertainment alternatives: Instead of expensive outings, explore free or low-cost entertainment options in your area. Visit local parks, libraries, or community events for affordable fun and leisure.

  3. Cook at home more often: Dining out can be a significant expense, especially with the rising cost of food. Commit to cooking at home more often, taking advantage of affordable ingredients and meal prepping when possible.

  4. Consider cheaper hobbies or entertainment options: Evaluate your hobbies and entertainment choices and consider more budget-friendly alternatives. For example, instead of expensive sports like golf, explore low-cost options like hiking, cycling, or joining a local recreational sports league.

Boost Your Income

While cutting expenses is crucial, boosting your income can also help weather the storm of inflation in Nigeria. Consider the following strategies to increase your earning potential:

Increase Your Earning Potential

  1. Negotiate a raise at your current job: If you've consistently exceeded expectations and taken on additional responsibilities, it may be time to negotiate a raise at your current job. Prepare a compelling case highlighting your accomplishments, increased workload, and the impact of inflation on your cost of living.

  2. Explore side hustles to bring in extra income: In addition to your primary job, consider exploring side hustles or gig work opportunities that align with your skills and interests. Platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer offer a wide range of freelance opportunities, from writing and graphic design to virtual assistance and software development. Wondering what business you should start? Read this!

Alternatively, you could leverage your existing skills and resources to generate additional income. For example, if you have a car, you could sign up with ride-hailing services like Bolt or Uber to earn extra money during your free time.


Navigating the challenges of inflation in Nigeria requires a strategic and disciplined approach to personal finance. By building a solid financial defence through budgeting and debt reduction, strategizing for everyday spending, and exploring ways to boost your income, you can position yourself to weather the storm and achieve your financial goals.

Remember, saving during inflation is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency is key, and it's essential to celebrate your progress along the way. Start small, if necessary but remain committed to your savings plan. Every little bit count, and over time, your efforts will compound, providing a cushion against the rising cost of living.

Embrace a mindset of frugality and financial discipline, but don't deprive yourself of all enjoyment. Seek out low-cost or free entertainment options and find creative ways to indulge in your hobbies and interests without breaking the bank.

Finally, remember to be patient and adaptable. Inflation is a temporary economic condition, and with the right strategies in place, you can emerge stronger and more financially resilient on the other side. Looking to open a savings account to stash away funds? Click the button below!

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About Author

Taiwo Temitope-Adesope

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